Fully Build or desassembly shipped and assembly on site
This Sheetpress allows you to melt plastic into 6mm,9mm, 12mm or even 20mm thickness sheets with a surface of 1mx1m with a maximum of 114cmx114cm.
Recommended Materials HDPE, PP & PS.
Características Principales
- Cardrige heaters 15kw total power
- For Dissasemmbly
- 3 Fhases Powe Supply.
- 220V 3Phases
- Heat resistant wired
- Fully insulated plates
- W=1320 L=1320 H=1780
- One 1mx1m surface, 9.5 mm tickness mould included.
- One liter of Silicone Oil included.
- Frame protector with your logo Included
You can create differents products about 6-9-12 or 25mm tickness sheets. It can be delievered door to door.